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Bitcoin Advocate JD Vance Selected as Trump’s VP

Bitcoin Advocate JD Vance Selected as Trump’s VP

In a strategic move reflecting the growing influence of cryptocurrency in politics, former President Donald Trump has selected Ohio Senator JD Vance as his vice presidential running mate for the 2024 election. This decision underscores a significant pivot for Trump, who has historically been sceptical of digital currencies. Still, it now appears to be embracing them as a key part of his campaign strategy.

JD Vance: A Strong Proponent of Cryptocurrency

JD Vance, a relative newcomer to politics, has quickly made a name for himself as a staunch supporter of cryptocurrency. In his 2022 financial disclosure report, Vance revealed holdings of Bitcoin valued between $100,001 and $250,000. His legislative record further underscores his commitment to the digital asset space. Vance has supported numerous pro-crypto bills and has criticised the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), particularly its chair, Gary Gensler.

Vance’s opposition to Gensler’s regulatory approach is well-documented. In a resurfaced video, Vance referred to Gensler as “the worst person” to regulate the crypto industry, accusing him of injecting politics into securities regulation. Vance’s stance is exemplified by his vote to overturn the SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin 121 (SAB 121), which restricts financial institutions from holding digital assets. He has consistently advocated for a regulatory environment that fosters innovation and supports the crypto industry.

Crypto Industry Reacts to Vance’s Nomination

The crypto community has primarily welcomed Vance’s nomination. Prominent figures such as Nic Carter and Charles Hoskinson have praised Trump’s choice, seeing it as a positive signal for the future of cryptocurrency regulation. Carter lauded Vance’s background in technology and finance, highlighting his potential to influence pro-crypto policies within the Trump administration. Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, noted Vance’s contributions to the industry and expressed hope that he would advise Trump on crypto policy in a way that benefits both the industry and the American public.

Trump’s Shift Towards Cryptocurrency

Trump’s decision to embrace cryptocurrency marks a notable shift from his earlier stance. In 2019, Trump dismissed Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as “not money” and criticised their lack of tangible backing. However, the former president’s recent actions suggest a change in perspective. His campaign has begun accepting crypto contributions, and he has voiced support for Bitcoin miners while opposing central bank digital currencies.

This shift has not gone unnoticed by political analysts and industry insiders. Some, like BitMEX Co-Founder Arthur Hayes, view Trump’s newfound support for crypto with scepticism, suggesting it is a politically motivated move to garner votes from the crypto community in crucial swing states. Hayes posits that Trump’s stance is more about securing electoral support than a genuine belief in the merits of cryptocurrency.

A Broader Trend in U.S. Politics

Trump’s pivot towards cryptocurrency is part of a broader trend in U.S. politics, where digital assets are becoming increasingly significant. President Joe Biden, the likely Democratic nominee, is also reportedly exploring the acceptance of crypto contributions for his campaign. A senior adviser to Biden attended a roundtable with crypto industry advocates, signalling the Democratic Party’s recognition of the sector’s growing importance.

The 2024 election is poised to feature cryptocurrency as a prominent campaign issue, with both major parties courting the support of the digital asset community. As the regulatory landscape evolves, the positions of leading candidates on crypto will likely influence voter sentiment and potentially shape the industry’s future.


The selection of JD Vance as Donald Trump’s running mate signifies a strategic embrace of cryptocurrency, reflecting its rising political and economic influence. Vance’s strong pro-crypto stance and legislative efforts underscore a commitment to fostering a supportive regulatory environment for digital assets. As the 2024 election approaches, the interplay between politics and cryptocurrency will be closely watched, with significant implications for the industry and the broader financial system.