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Qatar Central Bank Announces the Launch of New CBDC Project

Qatar Central Bank Announces the Launch of New CBDC Project

The Qatar Central Bank (QCB) recently announced the completion of the infrastructure for its Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) project, marking a significant milestone in the nation’s journey towards a digital economy. This initiative aligns with the rapid global developments in the digital currency space and forms a crucial part of Qatar’s Third Financial Sector Strategy, Fintech Strategy, and Qatar National Vision 2030.

Development and Testing Phase

QCB has completed a comprehensive study on the CBDC project and will proceed with testing and developing selected applications to settle large payments with local and international banks. The first experimental phase of this project is set to run until October 2024. This phase will focus on leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), distributed ledger technology (DLT), and other emerging technologies to establish a robust foundation for enhancing liquidity and improving the efficiency of securities transactions.

Objectives and Focus

The primary objectives of the CBDC project include increasing access to capital markets for operating banks, enhancing domestic settlement processes, and improving the efficiency of securities transactions. By expanding participation in financial market facilities and ensuring strong information security, QCB aims to build a pioneering system that accelerates digital transformation within the financial sector.

Strategic Alignment and Commitment

QCB’s efforts are in line with the Third National Development Strategy 2024-2030, reflecting a strong commitment to contributing to Qatar’s financial sector’s digital transformation. The central bank emphasises the necessity of investing in modern technologies to build a system that can adapt to the ongoing digital changes in the global economic and banking sectors.

Global Context and Regional Comparisons

The move by QCB is part of a broader trend in which various countries are in different stages of CBDC research and development. According to the Atlantic Council, 87 countries are taking initiatives to create a CBDC, accounting for more than 90% of global GDP. In the Gulf region, the UAE Central Bank is preparing to launch its digital currency as part of its 2023-26 strategy, and the Central Bank of Bahrain has collaborated with JP Morgan and Bank ABC for a cross-border digital currency settlement pilot programme.

Future Prospects

The experimental phase of Qatar’s CBDC project is crucial for identifying the different use cases that QCB will adopt. These use cases are expected to enhance the efficiency of current systems and enable instant settlement. QCB reaffirms its continuous commitment to introducing valuable initiatives that foster a conducive environment for economic growth and adopting emerging technologies.


Qatar’s CBDC project represents an important strategic step towards building a digital economy. As the project progresses through its experimental phase, the insights gained will be instrumental in shaping the future of Qatar’s financial systems, enhancing liquidity, and promoting technological innovation. The QCB’s dedication to embracing digital transformation reflects its commitment to ensuring that Qatar remains at the forefront of global financial sector advancements.