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Skild AI $300M Funding: Pioneering the Future of General Robotics

Skild AI $300M Funding: Pioneering the Future of General Robotics

In a significant stride towards reshaping the robotics landscape, Skild AI has successfully secured $300 million in Series A funding, propelling the company’s valuation to an impressive $1.5 billion. This financial backing comes from an array of esteemed investors, including Lightspeed Venture Partners, Coatue, SoftBank Group, and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, demonstrating a substantial vote of confidence in Skild AI’s mission to revolutionise robotics with a general-purpose AI model.

Breaking New Ground in Robotics

Founded in 2023 by former Carnegie Mellon University professors Abhinav Gupta and Deepak Pathak, Skild AI aims to transcend traditional robotics. The company is pioneering the development of a foundational AI model that serves as a “general purpose brain” for robots. Unlike vertically designed robots tailored for specific tasks, Skild AI’s model offers a versatile solution capable of performing various functions across different types of robots and environments.

A massive dataset—comprising text, images, and videos — underpins this innovation—claimed to be 1000 times larger than those used by competitors. This extensive data pool enables Skild AI’s robots to learn and adapt to various scenarios autonomously, showcasing “emergent capabilities” such as recovering dropped objects or navigating uncharted terrains without prior programming.

Addressing Labour Shortages with Advanced Automation

One of the driving motivations behind Skild AI’s technology is addressing the looming labour shortages in key industries like healthcare, construction, and manufacturing. With projections indicating a shortfall of 2.1 million manufacturing jobs by 2030, Skild AI’s adaptable robots present a viable solution. By deploying agile, elegant, and safe robots to interact with, Skild AI aims to fill critical roles in hazardous environments, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and safety.

“Skild AI has achieved massive breakthroughs in a short period, and we believe they’re a one-of-a-kind company that could redefine our notions of what machines are capable of,” stated Raviraj Jain, Partner at Lightspeed Venture Partners.

Innovative Approaches and Real-World Applications

Skild AI’s success is founded on its innovative approach to embodied intelligence. This involves integrating various data collection methods—remote human operation, autonomous trial and error, and leveraging public videos—to create a cohesive system that learns from real-world interactions and simulations. Pathak’s research on curiosity-driven learning plays a crucial role here, incentivising robots to explore and adapt to new environments.

“The more uncertain the agent is about predicting the effect of its actions, the more curious it gets to explore,” explained Pathak. This approach enhances the robots’ adaptability and ensures they can perform many tasks, from navigating complex industrial environments to assisting in healthcare settings.

A Future Shaped by Skild AI

The vision for Skild AI extends beyond current capabilities. The company aspires to achieve artificial general intelligence (AGI) rooted in the physical world. This ambition is akin to a “GPT-3 moment” for robotics, as highlighted by Stephanie Zhan, Partner at Sequoia Capital: “It will spark a monumental shift that brings advancements similar to what we’ve seen in the world of digital intelligence to the physical world”.

By continuously refining its foundational model and expanding its data resources, Skild AI is poised to democratise robotics. This entails making advanced robotic solutions more accessible and affordable across diverse sectors, transforming how we perceive and interact with machines daily.


In conclusion, Skild AI is at the forefront of a transformative wave in robotics, driven by its groundbreaking general-purpose AI model. With robust investor support and a clear vision for the future, Skild AI is set to redefine what robots can achieve, addressing critical labour shortages and enhancing productivity across multiple industries. The future of robotics, as envisioned by Skild AI, promises a harmonious blend of advanced technology and practical application, making the world safer, more efficient, and infinitely more automated.