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Trump Taps Elon Musk to Lead New Government Efficiency Commission

Trump Taps Elon Musk to Lead New Government Efficiency Commission

In a speech delivered at the Economic Club of New York, former President Donald Trump unveiled a broad economic agenda, including establishing a government efficiency commission led by Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. Trump’s proposal is designed to overhaul federal financial and performance audits, aiming to reduce government waste and fraud.

Trump’s Economic Proposals

Trump’s speech outlined several key initiatives:

  • Government Efficiency Commission: This body will be tasked with conducting a thorough audit of federal operations. Trump emphasised that the commission’s goal is to “eliminate fraud and improper payments” and improve overall government efficiency.
  • Corporate Tax Cuts: Trump proposed reducing the corporate tax rate to 15% for companies that manufacture goods domestically. This move is intended to incentivise domestic production and reduce the reliance on overseas manufacturing.
  • Housing and Land Use: The former president called for the creation of “low-tax” housing zones on federal lands to drive down housing costs. This proposal includes deregulation to encourage new construction and expand housing availability.
  • Sovereign Wealth Fund: Trump also announced plans to establish a sovereign wealth fund, which would be used to support major infrastructure projects across the nation.

Elon Musk’s Role and Reactions

Elon Musk, who has recently become more aligned with conservative viewpoints, has agreed to lead the proposed commission. Musk stated, “I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises. No pay, no title, no recognition is needed.” Despite his enthusiasm, some critics express concerns about potential conflicts of interest due to Musk’s extensive dealings with federal agencies through his companies.

Criticisms and Political Reactions

Trump’s proposals have drawn mixed reactions:

  • Union Criticism: Everett Kelley, president of the American Federation of Government Employees, criticised the plan, suggesting it could undermine the nonpartisan civil service and displace federal workers.
  • Economic Concerns: Economists and some politicians argue that Trump’s policies might exacerbate inflation and increase the national debt. Critics worry that the proposed tax cuts and regulatory rollbacks could lead to economic instability.

Trump vs. Harris on Economic Policy

The economic debate between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris highlights stark differences:

  • Trump’s Vision: Trump’s agenda includes extending the 2017 tax cuts, imposing tariffs to protect domestic industries, and supporting cryptocurrency innovation.
  • Harris’s Proposals: Harris has outlined plans for expanding small-business tax deductions and increasing capital-gains tax rates. Her approach contrasts sharply with Trump’s more business-friendly policies.


Trump’s economic blueprint, centred around a new efficiency commission led by Elon Musk, presents a bold vision for reducing government waste and boosting domestic production. While the proposals aim to reshape the U.S. economic landscape, they face scrutiny from various quarters, reflecting the broader debate over the country’s economic future.