Fintech & Crypto News

Gestalt Tech’s Data Warehouse Solution Gives Lenders An Edge.

DALLAS & FORT WORTH, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Gestalt is pleased to bring decades of experience in lending and fintech together to create an out-of-the box data warehouse that makes pulling and analyzing data dramatically easier, faster, and more affordable for any sized lender, especially startups and community lenders.

Gestalt is led by CEO Stephanie Hanson, founder of defi SOLUTIONS, in partnership with Ensemblex venture studio Director Chloe Zhu and Principal Shawn Budde. The leadership team is rounded out by CTO/CPO Justin McClintick.

“When Shawn and Chloe approached me with this great data warehouse solution, I loved it! Lenders spend too much of their time and resources wrangling data from all their different systems, when they should be making decisions from clean data and servicing customers. Gestalt changes all that,” Hanson said.

Data warehouses have historically been the domain of large, established lenders with budgets and staff to build their own or hire an expensive contractor to build it for them. And even then, it’s painful and time consuming.

With Gestalt, even small lenders starting out can have a data warehouse that delivers decision-ready data and automatically surfaces key insights, empowering them to focus on what matters most to their business.

“Lenders know they need a data warehouse and typically push it down the road. But in reality, it never gets done or done well. Now we can do it for them in as few as 30 days and at a 300% better value,” Hanson said.

Budde said Gestalt has ignited the AWS moment in financial data warehousing.

“We at Ensemblex are excited to partner with Stephanie and Justin to offer this groundbreaking solution. As Gestalt frees lenders from wrangling messy data, lenders and their partners can move faster and with more confidence.”

About Gestalt Tech

Gestalt Tech makes it possible for fintechs and community lenders to enjoy all the benefits of a modern data warehouse without waiting or settling. Lenders with a Gestalt data warehouse are more productive, save time and money, and increase trust with key partners. Data pulls that used to take months and 200+ man-hours, take less than one day. The intuitive and standardized architecture makes learning how to use it easy, and the more you use it, the smarter and more customized it gets. Like the word “gestalt”, we unify all your data to create a meaningful whole that’s greater than the sum of its parts.

About Ensemblex

The Ensemblex venture studio partners with entrepreneurs to co-found lending fintechs and SaaS companies serving lenders. Ensemblex studio companies have scaled faster with less capital thanks to the team’s 150+ years of operating experience scaling $2bn of combined P&L, 20+ board presences, and vast network of lending ecosystem partners and talents.