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Robert Kiyosaki: US Faces Turbulence Following Credit Rating Downgrade

Robert Kiyosaki: US Faces Turbulence Following Credit Rating Downgrade

The US economy is going to experience significant volatility, according to best-selling author Robert Kiyosaki, as a result of Fitch’s downgrading of the country’s credit rating.

The credit rating agency downgraded the US’s long-term outlook last week, downgrading it from “AAA,” which indicates the lowest expectation of default risk, to “AA+,” which is the rating given to nations with low expectations of default risk.

Fitch argues that the decision was made due to the government’s fast-growing debt load and the anticipated budgetary decline of the nation over the upcoming years.

As per the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, the downgrade suggests that the US economy is headed for a period of difficulties.

“First shoe to drop. Fitch rating services downgrade the US credit rating from AAA to AA+. Brace for a crash landing.

Sorry for the bad news, yet I have been warning for over a year. The Fed, Treasury, and big corporation CEOs have been smoking fantasy weed. Take care.” 

Kiyosaki forewarned that the US was poised to experience a historic decline last month. He claimed there were too many indications of an impending economic crisis and a devastating stock market catastrophe.

The personal finance author stated that he would keep investing in “real money and real assets” like gold, silver, and Bitcoin (BTC) in light of his economic outlook.

The 2008 financial crisis was foreseen by Kiyosaki, who also predicted that the disaster would occur sooner than it did.